Howdy everyone! I thought maybe you were wondering what's been happening in my life recently. Namely, yesterday right? Well, whether or not you are dying to know what I did yesterday, I will still tell you. :-)
We did mostly chores and outdoor work yesterday (Memorial day). It was a beautiful day, despite the fact that we were pretty tired from the weekend.
A quick summary of the weekend- Saturday was spent preparing for a big party for the home-school graduates; and then the party itself at 4pm. We got home about 11pm that night with a ton of leftover hot-dogs and buns and other food. (We Sleadds are great at that type of clean-up. We'll eat almost anything, especially leftover dessert; and lots of it.) So what have we been eating for the past 2 days? You guessed it! Hot dogs!
So, then on Sunday we went to Church (Coram Deo Church*) and dad led worship (generally all of us Sleadd kids do worship with dad but this week we got a break.). It was very good. I love church and God's family. Especially worship time. Sometimes I can't help but lift up my hands even though I stick out a little when I do it.

Sunday's message was about Propitiation. Christ's blood as propitiation for our sins. Pastor Dale Meador used the analogy of a sponge when describing propitiation. When Christ was hanging on that cross, He was absorbing the perfect and holy wrath of God that you and I justly deserve. "...he humbled himself and became obedient to death— even death on a cross!" (Phil. 2:8)
"...and [we] are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God put forward as a propitiation by his blood, to be received by faith."
At the end of his message, Pastor Dale tied Christ's propitiation in with the sacrifice many soldiers and service-men have made to secure the freedom that we enjoy today; thus fitting in with Memorial Weekend. Pastor Dale has deep gratitude for America's service men, he was nearly in tears by the end of his sermon.
After church we went to Ultimate Frisbee and got tired all over again. Then we had hot dogs, went to bed, and woke up the next morning.
Oh my! This was supposed to be a quick summary!...oh well. That's alright.

So, back to Memorial Monday. We did lots of weeding around the driveway, mowing, and outdoor work. I got slightly sunburned on my back, too. We then went to a small BBQ/Party at the Petty's at 4. It was very relaxing and enjoyable. Generally, whenever we go to parties we already know everyone there, fairly well. Whereas at this BBQ we were able to meet new people; different people. It was fun making new friends and having good conversations.
*Coram Deo means "Before God", as in to stand before God.