Friday, May 25, 2007


Here are some pictures of me and life.

My brother Nathan and I. Christmas 2005. He is the best older brother I could ever have.

Playing my drums at a CBFM family barn dance. Drums are the best. :)

Playing at the Medford Jazz Jubilee with the family. Jazz is the best.

Me and my Grandpa's hand on my shoulder. 2007.

Dressed for battle.

Me and my gun.

Caleb's been hit!
(we dug a small hole for Caleb to sit in. Then we covered his waist with dirt and leaves and he played dead. Then we took a picture)

Macy, our bestest dog.

...and Jacque, our long lost bunny.

...and to end with a happy note....Me.
Winter 2007.
Pretending to eat a thick chunk of ice.
It snowed really good this winter so we went on a sledding trip around the neighborhood. As we were walking along in the snow, we heard the cracking sound of ice beneath the snow and our feet. We stepped back and found this ice; about an inch and a half.
So here I am pretending to eat it.

Well, that's all for now folks! Feel free to comment!


  1. Great pics. We were joking that we should of called you up when it snowed so we would have some sled's. Haha!!! See ya tomorrow.

  2. P.S I really liked the pic of Caleb, and I think your new headers cool. Did you see Ellie's new header?

  3. Yes, and all the Anderson's new headers. Levi's was especially cool! They most have a really good program to do all that cool stuff.

  4. Did you see the Goldman's headers to?
    P.S Do you know if we are supposed to bring anything for the barbecue today?

  5. Yes, I saw the Goldman's headers too. They looked good.

  6. A little hared to bite .Well cant what to see you again. Anna
