Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Another Beautiful Day!

It's feeling more and more like spring time!! And ya'know what springtime means? It means Ultimate Frisbee and Football!! Whoohoo!!
I can't remember the last time I had some good hard exercise and I'm pretty badly out of shape. It usually happens that way....I get lazy and fat over the winter and then I recover when summer comes around. Can't wait!

Yesterday, I was sitting in front of my computer, (like I am now, heh heh) and I looked out the window and a warm breeze was rushing through our trees and there was hardly a cloud to be seen. So I jumped up, grabbed the camera, went outside, and took some pictures. It was great!

I got to see little Boone today. He can stand with almost no help now! Pretty soon he'll be walkin'!

Last night, we went to the Discipleship Program that dad organized as part of Coram Deo Church. It's a 14 week program about being and making disciples. It has been great! Nearly everyone from church has been comin'; Wednesday nights. Last night Ron Strom taught about doing good works for God's glory. He compared worldly works and Godly works and said that it really comes down to our motives. For example, if I gave money to the poor and my motive was to glorify myself rather than god, then that would be worldly.

He talked about how everything we do or have should be used for God's glory. And that we should be good stewards of what God has given us.

We should be good stewards of our-

And use them for God's glory.

If you want to read more about our meetings and what we're discussing go to to dad's blog-

Alright, have a good evening, enjoy the weather and stay tuned for more from the illustrious Sledvinsky!


  1. It sure is beautiful... ahhh.. God is the best painter ever!!!
    Nice pictures...

  2. Nice pics! If you want to stay in shape, you should run! Take it from me, it works! Let me know when you guys start playing frisbee!

  3. I was having the same feelings on our drive to Omnibus. I wished with all my heart to stay home and do yard work!!!

    Isn't God good, to allow us long breaks before winter! He gives us such variety :)

  4. 'The' camera??? You mean, MY camera!?
