The only difference was that I finished the 20-foot swing I have been working on for the last week as part of Sleaddventures. Then I did school the rest of the time until noon. Then we (the Sleadd kids) went to the Deems in Central point. We cooked a total of 60 meals from 12:30pm to around 6:00pm. Dylan and I worked together to make 12 meals. 4 meals of 3 recipes. It was very fun and easier than I had expected. The thought of having to make 60 meals in one day was kind of daunting.
We listened to Lincoln Webster while we worked. Very upbeat and rocky music. Great music to work with. It was fun!
Anyway, when we were done, both the Sleadds and the Deems had enough enough dinner meals for the rest of June.
While we worked, the Deems got quite a few phone calls from people wanting to tell them "White Rabbit!".
"White Rabbit" is a game that is played only on the first day of every month. Kinda like "April fools" You try to tell someone "White Rabbit" before they tell you. It's a fun, friendly game.
So, the Deems usually won. Their phone allows them to see who is calling before they pick it up. If it was someone who plays "White Rabbit", they would pick up and say "White rabbit!". The Emmons called while we were there but we got them before they did. MWAHAHA!!!!
And about the "Mammoth Swing". You may or may not have heard of my brother's home business- "Sleaddventures". He sells zip-lines and other adventure gear mainly on eBay. It is fairly small right now but is growing steadily. Nathan is having a friend re-build his Sleaddventures website this summer. Right now we don't have an online shopping cart or anyway for people to order so that is one of the main things that will be changed. Sales should increase by a lot after that and we're expecting to be pretty busy.
Currently, I've been working for Nathan; packaging zip-lines and so forth, and he advised me to come up with another backyard adventure kit that can be sold along with zip-lines. So my idea was giant-swing kits that go in between 2 trees. I tried out the design on our own yard and finished it yesterday. It was a little scary putting it up though because it was so high. 20 feet.
Next, I need to come up with an instruction manual to sell along with the kit. Then, if the Lord wills, I can start selling it on eBay as a Sleaddventures product.
Here is the swing.
I'll post some more pictures of the swing later.
Oh, and by the way, our church is having a BBQ right after the service tomorrow and you're invited! Coram Deo Church meets at Lincoln Elementary School at 11:00am. If you come, bring along some meat to barbecue. If you have more questions email me at
Hope to see you there!
Cool!!! So the Goldman's got to go to your house, why weren't we invited. JK:) That's cool that you designed that swing, looks fun. We were thinking about going to play frisbee tomorrow, if your having it? It would also be fun to go to the barbecue. Well hopefully I'll see you soon.
Hey that was fun:) Thanks for letting us go on your zip-line!!!
Destiny, yes, there will be frisbee tomorrow at 4.
ReplyDeleteWe would have invited you guys over had it been a planned thing, but the Goldmans were just dropping some stuff off for mom because they were in town so... :)
We'll be expecting to see you guys at church! Right? ...or...Maybe?
HAHA!!! Maybe:)But we probably will go to Frisbee.
Keep up the good work.