So, first, what do I enjoy? I enjoy the outdoors. I love being outside to smell the crisp fresh air of morning, or to hear the noise of surf breaking over rocks and sand, or to feel the crunch of snow under my feet, or the warmth of the sun on my back. But what I love most about the outdoors is to see all the incredible things God has created, such as Redwood forests or snow-capped mountains poking out of the clouds. I also enjoy hanging out (or should I say fellowshipping with) other Christian families. There is a bond and a love like no other that is between other brothers and sisters in Christ. It's just so much fun being with other Christians because we can pray for each other and build one another up. I also enjoy music. Especially big band Jazz. I play piano, drums, and guitar and I help lead worship at church with my family. Some day when I am married, it would be awesome to have my own family band with my wife and kids. One of the greatest ways to combine the three things I just mentioned (outdoors, Christian fellowship, and music) is to go camping. You are outdoors enjoying God's creation, you can camp with other christian families, and you can bring a guitar or a harmonica and sing songs around the campfire.
At Harris Beach, on the east coast, near Brookings; with friends, burying people. Harris Beach is one of our favorite places to go in the summer or fall.
Picture taken at "Lake of the Woods" campsite while we were there. It was an amazing and beautiful sunset. "Lake of the Woods" is another one of our favorites.
Stay tuned for the next episode.....
Did I know that you were born with a blue head?? hmm... I don't think so. That' very interesting, Aaron. I'm glad you are our friend and that God kept you safe!! Great blog. Nice posts-I love them! Last night was really great. The discussion in your dad's classroom was really wonderful. See you tomorrow Lord willing.