Tuesday, October 30, 2007

More Pictures From China

Me at the Juizhiagou park. The lakes there were really colorful, as you can see in the background.

Kelly with the viper. It was a heavy viper that stunk. It also had its mouth taped shut. :)

The Great Wall which Kelly and I climbed. It was hard. There were tons of steep, worn down, stone steps. It was good on our thighs and knees.

And finally, some guy out of nowhere who wanted us to take his picture.



  1. WHITE RABBIT!!!! I got ya first:D

  2. Hey. WHITE RABBET. I got ya.

  3. woah the color of that lake is beautiful! ~Ruth~
    P.s. nice snake ....or maybe not so nice lol

  4. And finally, some guy out of nowhere who wanted us to take his picture.

    you think that’s funny. Well maybe it is.

    I wish I could have seen you at speech.

  5. We just got your postcard today... and yes, my dad still has is tooth out:) I hope he gets it fixed soon... but... he is still the greatest dad ever!!!

  6. I hate, hate, hate, snakes...with a passion. Especially the big ones! Your cousin is brave, I'd rather sit and look at that beautiful lake :)

  7. What was your point in doing so many comments on my blog?!?
